
Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East (44)

 (Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)


Chapter 6: Genealogy of Islamic terrorism


6-1(44) The roots of modern Islamic terrorism


According to Oxford English Dictionary, "terrorism" means " the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Terrorism takes place in three fields: conflict between ethnicity, religion and political field. Ethnic conflict is a problem of blood, in modern terms, DNA. And the political terrorism is the problem of ideology. Religious terrorism is the problem of emotion. In other words, they are respectively based on DNA, brain and heart of individuals.


The independence movement of Kurd in the Middle East was an ethnic terrorism. Ethnic terrorism is very common throughout the world. It has to take place in the future because mankind cannot change his ethnicity. However, after the World War II, the international community based on the nation states has blocked ethnic conflicts as much as possible.


On the other hand, terrorism by political ideology had taken place frequently in various places of the world during the Cold War. Che Guevara (Ernesto Guevara) who was born in Argentina and Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castro in Cuba were terrorists of socialist ideology against Cuban dictatorship. The terrorism based on political ideology could across the manmade border easily. Therefore, different from the ethnic or religious terrorism, ideological terrorism has the character to spread all over the world. Ideological terrorism has almost diminished after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990 when liberalism and capitalism kicked socialism and communism off. It was just the realization of "The End of History and the Last Man" written by Prof. Francis Fukuyama.


Religious terrorism used to penetrate widely rather than ethnic terrorism because religion has no ethnic boundaries nor geographical borders. In the era of imperialism and colonialism of Western Europe, Christian missionaries had worked as the front-line of invasion to Africa and Latin America. Although the missionaries itself might not be conscious as the invaders, they treated the native religions as being inferior to Christianity. They raised the flag of "God" or "Christ". There were many terroristic activities by the native religious powers against the invasion of Christianity.


There are three types of religious terrorism; against different religion, against political ideology and against another sect of the same religion. For Muslims the different religion means Judaism or Christianity which are the same monotheism. In logical meanings, "Jehovah" of Judaism, "God" of Christianity and "Allah" of Islam are the same one because the supreme existence of monotheism should be only one. Accordingly, Muslims are taught that Allah, God and Jehovah are exactly the same one. But Judaism and Christianity recognize each other as Old Testament and New Testament whereas they never accept Allah is same as God or Jehovah. Thus, the religious conflicts have been continuing for centuries in the form of Jewish-Christian versus Islam.


Islam was challenged by communism ideology in 20th century. Communism is atheism and denies the religion. They reject Allah of supreme existence. For Muslim, it was exactly the devil’s dogma. Muslim had so much hostility against communism while the Christians are more generous for communism as they were brain-washed by liberalism and capitalism through modern history. Once communism took the power, Muslims resisted by means of terrorism. The Afghan war in 1980s was exactly typical one.


Sectarian terrorism in the same religion was the battle for "legitimacy". In history the disruption and confrontation between Sunnis and Shiites of Islam began just after the Prophet’s death. Sunnis urged that Quran and hadith were the most important things for Muslims. On the other hand, the Shiites claimed that the legitimacy should be on the prophet's genealogy. Shiites were inherited by Persians and Sunnis were handed down to the Arabs.


After communism lost power in 1990, the sectarian confrontation has taken place as a new stream of terrorism. The root of sectarian terrorism of Islam was in the Sunni radical group Al Qaeda. Al-Qaeda was an Islamic fundamentalism (Sarafist) organization launched by Osama Bin Laden who was the son of Saudi Arabian Billionaire Muhammad bin Laden. Islamic fundamentalist fought against Afghanistan Communism regime as radical terrorist.


In 1989 the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan and the local Taliban took the power. Then Osama Bin Laden, a leader of Al-Qaeda, left Afghanistan. The purpose of Osama Bin Laden was to deploy Islamic fundamentalism in Muslim countries. He thought that the liberalism and democracy of Western European countries devastated Islam. He visited Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa one after another. He also used the Internet to promote the Islamic fundamentalism (Sarafism). He agitated the masses by returning to the Muhammad’s era in the 7th century.


Al-Qaeda was bred in Islamic countries one after another. Anti-government terrorist organizations in various countries self-nominated the name of al-Qaeda. They were "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)", "Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)”, “Al Qaeda in Iraq”, “Jemaah Islamiyah” in Indonesia, “Abu Sayyaf Group” in the Philippines, etc. Furthermore, a lone wolf Muslim terrorist declared himself as a member of Al Qaeda in his crime statement. The name of Al Qaeda became a famous brand of Islamic terrorism. People looked on Osama bin Laden as hero of Muslims.


(To be continued ----)



By Areha Kazuya




(Table of contents)



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