
Monday, October 12, 2020

Geopolitics in the Middle East: Enemy’s enemy is an ally or another enemy? (7)

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2. Conflicts and involved countries (cont’d)

(5) Conflict between Western European countries and Turkey

(5-1) NATO Military Alliance

[Subject] Turkey is the only one member from the Islamic world in NATO, which was established to counter the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. The role of Turkey is changing due to the geopolitics of the Eurasian continent.

[Rivalry] Turkey vs US, UK, Germany and France

[Stakeholder] Turkish side: Russia

(5-2) Accession of Turkey to the EU

[Subject] Turkey has been left behind due to the Islamic country

[Rivalry] Turkey vs current EU member states

[Stakeholder] Turkish side: Russia

(5-3) Syria-Afghanistan refugee issue

[Subject] Refugees from Syria and Afghanistan heading to Europe via Turkey. Germany is cooperative to Turkey with humanitarian points of view. But Greece, Italy, and France, which are concerned about domestic security, refuse to accept refugees.

[Rivalry] Turkey vs Western European countries

[Stakeholder] (Nothing in particular)


In addition to the above, the following problems entailed the dispute in Middle East though the outcome has been almost settled or clarified.


Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf War (1990-91)

9.11 Terrorist attacks in the United States (2001) (Islamic terrorism problem)

Iraq War (2003)

Syrian Civil War (2018-) (after the corruption of Islamic State, IS)




By Areha Kazuya



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