
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Geopolitics in the Middle East: Enemy’s enemy is an ally or another enemy? (2)

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1.   The modern Middle East where enemies and allies are commingled (cont’d)


Enemies and allies are struggling each other by individual issues. And some countries support or sympathize with one of two parties. The enemy's ally is the enemy for one party sometime. However, it is not uncommon that one country which supports or sympathizes with another country may act contradictory on another issue. It becomes unclear whether the enemy's ally is enemy or the enemy's enemy is another enemy. Observing the modern Middle East, it is extremely difficult to understand what the alliance or adversary is all about.


First, look at allies and enemies in accordance with the disputes. Then classified which country is the ally or enemy, and which countries support or sympathize the respective parties. Then Turkey is picked up as a major game player. This paper is an attempt to analyze the complex power matrix of the modern Middle East.




By Areha Kazuya



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