
Monday, January 28, 2019

1-6 (12) استقلال إسرائيل (4): استقلال إسرائيل بعد الإرهاب ضد المملكة المتحدة

الفصل 1: موجة القومية والاشتراكية (1945-1956)

1-6 (12) استقلال إسرائيل (4): استقلال إسرائيل بعد الإرهاب ضد المملكة المتحدة

يُعنى بالإرهاب استخدام العنف العشوائي عمداً كوسيلة لخلق الرعب أو الخوف لتحقيق هدف سياسي أو ديني أو إيديولوجي. لا يُسمح بالإرهاب الذي يسفرعنه ضحايا مدنية على الإطلاق. يحدث الإرهاب عادةً في معارك استقلال الأمم. يرى الحاكم الحالي أو السلطة الحالية أن الإرهاب عمل إجرامي يقلق النظام الاجتماعي. وأما القوى المعادية للحكومة فتذهب للقول بأن الإرهاب هو أحد التدابير المشروعة لتحقيق الهدف. لا يوجد حل وسط بين القوتين.

عادةً ما تتم إبادة الكثير من الأعمال الإرهابية على يد السلطات المسيطرة على قوات الأمن، إلا أن الموقف ينعكس حين يستولي المتمردون على السلطة ويتم الاعتراف باستقلال الدولة الجديدة. يتم اعتبار الأعمال الإرهابية التي قام بها المتمردون إذاً أفعالاً وطنية، ويتم تقدير منفذي الأعمال الإرهابية كأبطال، ويقوم المجتمع الدولي بقبول النظام الجديد. كانت الدولة القومية هي الوحدة الأساسية بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية. يتظاهر الاختصاصيون في العلوم السياسية بأن الدولة وحدها هي الطرف الذي يُسمح له باحتواء وحدات عنف شرعية.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

"The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East"(5)


5. Britain's triple tongue diplomacy during World War I (2)

(2) Sykes-Picot Agreement

The second piece of UK’s "triple tongue diplomacy" following McMahon-Hussein Correspondence was the secret agreement so-called "Sykes-Picot agreement" to divide Arabic territory of the Ottoman Empire by Britain and France (and Russia).

British diplomatic advisor Mark Sykes and French diplomat Francois Georges Picot drafted about the division of the Ottoman Empire at the end of 1915 when the victory of the UK, French and their allies became sure. Russia also joined with the secret agreement. Three countries have mutually signed the agreement officially known “Asia Minor Agreement” in May 1916, in Petrograd, Russia. This agreement was generally called "Sykes-Picot Agreement" after taking their names. It was just before the uprising of Hussein, Sharif of Makkah, according to the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence (see previous section).

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

بحثاً عن التواصل المباشر بين اليابان والعرب

(روزيتا ستون: من اليمين إلى اليسار أو من اليسار إلى اليمين أو من الأعلى إلى الأسفل)

تُكتب اللغة اليابانية عمودياً من الأعلى إلى الأسفل، واللغة الإنجليزية تكتب أفقياً من اليسار إلى اليمين، أما اللغة العربية فتكتب من اليمين إلى اليسار. يختلف نمط كتابة كلٍّ من هذه اللغات.

ولكن الكتب اليابانية، وخاصة الأدبية منها، توافق الكتب العربية بأسلوب واحد مشترك بينها، حيث يتم قلب الصفحات فيها من اليسار إلى اليمين. والعكس صحيح في الكتب الإنجليزية. (مع انتشار الإنترنت نرى المزيد من الكتابة الأفقية في الكتب اليابانية كمثيلاتها الإنجليزية، إلا أن الكتب الأدبية لازالت تتبع أسلوب الكتابة العمودي. يستطيع الصينيون واليابانيون الكتابة أفقياً وعمودياً بسهولة!)

لتقديم المعلومات اليابانية إلى العالم العربي، من الضروري الترجمة من اليابانية إلى الإنجليزية أولاً ثم الترجمة من الإنجليزية إلى العربية. وبالمثل فإن هناك حاجة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة وسيطة لتقديم المعلومات العربية إلى اليابان.

أنا أثق بأهمية التواصل بين اللغتين بشكل مباشر لتحسين الفهم المتبادل. مبادرة OCIN هي صفحة على الإنترنت يقوم فيها شخص ياباني عادي (مواطن عادي في اليابان؛ OCIN Japan) بالتواصل مع المواطنين العاديين في الدول العربية (OCIN Arab).

Areha Kazuya

Red signal on the Saudi Vision 2030: Private sectors wary of the Crown Prince (3)
Fears about MbS shared by foreign investors(cont’d)

At the Investment Initiative Conference held in Riyadh immediately after the Khashoggi incident, executives of international institute and foreign big companies who planned to participate continuing from the previous year stopped attending. If he or she participates in the conference, the image of institute or company would clearly be scratched. If absent, there would be another risk of missing business opportunity. But the former risk which would be resulted in bashing from the media and stakeholders was more serious for them. Among such circumstances it took notice that how Mr. Masayoshi Son, Chairman of SoftBank of Japan, dealt with MbS. Mr. Son stood in with MbS and has established the world's biggest investment fund, so-called SoftBank Vision Fund with the prince. He has to obey to MbS. He went to Riyadh and met MbS but did not show up on the investment conference. This was at his best.

Monday, January 21, 2019

In search of direct communication between Japan and Arab

(My Rosetta Stone: From right to left, left to right or top to bottom)

Japanese language is written vertically from top to bottom. English is written horizontally from left to right. And Arabic is written from right to left. The style is different each other.

But Japanese books, especially in literature, and Arabic books have one common style. When turning over the page of the book, it turns from left to right. English book is opposite. (With the spread of the Internet, there are more horizontal writing in Japanese books like English ones, but literature keeps still vertical style. Both Japanese and Chinese can easily write horizontally and vertically!)

To deliver Japanese information to the Arab world, it is necessary to translate Japanese into English first and then translate it further from English to Arabic. Similarly, English is required as an intermediary language to deliver Arabic information to Japan.

I am confident that it is important to communicate both languages directly for understanding better each other. OCIN INITIATIVE is a homepage that an ordinary Japanese (an Ordinary Citizen IN Japan; OCIN Japan) communicates to Ordinary Citizens in Arab Countries (OCIN Arab).

Areha Kazuya

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Red signal on the Saudi Vision 2030: Private sectors wary of the Crown Prince (2)

* You can read full text as follows:

Business executives in KSA disgust MbS

Three members of the Binladen family, the largest conglomerate of construction business, were bailed out in a corruption case. But they had to be confiscated the 36.2% of their company stock to the government. Since this incident, domestic business executives left or shunned away from Crown Prince MbS.

For example, in April 2018 the Crown Prince and his delegation visited major cities in the United States for investment promotion for three weeks. His delegation visited not only New York, Washington and Boston on East Coast but also Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Houston. They held seminars in these cities asking technology transfer and offered investment opportunities in Saudi Arabia. Many influential conglomerates in Saudi Arabia have close relationship with US companies. But there was no names of prominent business owners in the list of delegation. Although they should naturally accompany to the delegation, It looked like that they avoid participating.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East(4)


4. Britain's triple tongue diplomacy during World War I (1)

When talking about the Middle East after the World War II, it is inevitable to mention about  "triple tongue diplomacy" by Britain during the World War I.

World War I was a war between two groups. One is UK, France and their allies including Japan. The other side is Germany, Austria and Ottoman Empire. UK, France and its allies defeated German allies. In 1919 the Versailles Treaty was concluded at the Paris Peace Conference on postwar treatments led by UK and France. This treaty was extremely harsh for the defeated Germany and Ottoman Empire. Germany ceded its territory and also was forced a huge compensation. It was the system called the winner-take-all. The UK and France also did not forgive the Ottoman Empire. Except for Asia Minor  UK and France forfeited Levant, Tigris & Euphrates regions from Ottoman Empire, where she has been the lord in the long history. It is a finish of colonial acquisition games by the European imperialistic nations continuing from the 19th century. The Arab people who has been living in that area for a long time has been totally neglected.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Red signal on the Saudi Vision 2030: Private sectors wary of the Crown Prince (1)

* You can read full text as follows:


 Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MbS) of Saudi Arabia is struggling to realize the economic structural reform plan "Vision 2030" that he launched in 2016. It is an ambitious plan to diversify and modernize the Saudi which is heavily relied on oil nowadays. There is no doubt that the people, especially young generation, is highly expecting Vision 2030. The current oil-dependent economy means the dependence on public sectors. However, it is indispensable to utilize the capability of the private sector for diversification of economy. To that end, both cooperation of domestic private corporate owners and the capital investment and technology transfer from abroad are inevitable. But as far as the current situation is concerned, domestic corporate owners and overseas investors share a sense of caution against Prince Muhammad. This shows that the Vision 2030 is uncertain to reach its goal at this moment.

2.Two incidents triggered off private sectors:

Vision 2030 was announced in April 2016, when MbS was then Deputy Crown Prince. He had been given full power from his father to elaborate the whole plan and executed it. When his father King Salman raised him to Crown Prince, Muhammad seized the mighty powers covering all political and economic issues. His attitude became arrogant and brutal.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Peace on the Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East(3)


3. Three identities in the Middle East

From now on, I will follow the history of the Middle East for 70 years after the war according to my own opinion. I think that there are three identities in the Middle East. The first one is "blood" identity. The second is the "religious" identity. And the last one is "ideology” identity. I will frequently refer these three identities in each chapter. I, therefore, would like to briefly explain hereof.

Firstly, "blood" identity is a biological identity, contemporary, called as DNA. This is given naturally when we were born as a human being. The identity of "blood" is "race". The largest race in the Middle East is "Arab", but in the Middle East some other ethnic groups such as the Turkish and Persian  ethnicity coexist (Although there is the definition of "Jewish", but Jewish can not be said to be "race" in biological meaning).

Thursday, January 10, 2019

"السلام في الأفق - 70 عاماً بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية في الشرق الأوسط" (11)

1-5 (11) استقلال إسرائيل (3): طرد الفلسطينيين نتيجة غزو المهاجرين اليهود

يقدر عدد اليهود في العالم بحوالي 14 مليون نسمة، ويعيش معظمهم في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وإسرائيل. يبلغ عدد السكان اليهود في إسرائيل 6.3 ملايين نسمة، وهم يشكلون ثلاثة أرباع سكان البلد البالغ عددهم 8.5 ملايين نسمة.

ومع ذلك لم يكن هناك عدد كبير من اليهود قبل استقلال إسرائيل عام 1948، حيث بلغ عدد سكان فلسطين في أوائل عشرينات القرن الماضي قبل الحرب العالمية الأولى 750,000 نسمة منهم حوالي 80,000 يهودياً لا أكثر. ويعني ذلك أن نسبة اليهود كانت 10% فقط. ومقارنة بالرقم الحالي فقد كان عددهم يبلغ 80/1 ونسبتهم حوالي الثُمن.

بدعم من الحركة الصهيونية ووعد بلفور، قام العديد من اليهود من مختلف البلاد الأوروبية بالهجرة إلى فلسطين، أي "أرض صهيون"، قبل الحرب العالمية الأولى وبعدها، ودعيت هذه الحركة "عليا". قدِم حوالي 200,000 يهودي إلى فلسطين خلال عليا الأولى والرابعة منذ أواخر القرن التاسع عشر وحتى عشرينات القرن الماضي. وعندما وقعت محرقة اليهود في ألمانيا على يد النازيين في ثلاثينات القرن الماضي، قام اليهود بالهروب من أوروبا، فتوجه معظمهم إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في حين انتقل من تبقى منهم إلى إسرائيل حتى بلغ عددهم 250 ألفاً (عليا الخامسة). ونتيجة لذلك تضاعف عدد سكان فلسطين على الفور من 750 ألفاً إلى 1.5 مليون خلال 20 عاماً بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Peace on the Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East(2)


2. Middle East connecting Europe and Asia

Eurasia is the largest continent in the world. As its English name indicates it is a word synthesizing Euro and Asia. Where is the boundary between Europe and Asia? It is almost a common view that one of the boundaries is the Bosporus Strait in Turkey. The west side of the Bosporus is Istanbul, and Uskudar on the other side of the strait is the entrance to Asia. The Bosporus Bridge, now called July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge is exactly a bridge connecting Europe and Asia. And the area of Anatolia Plateau from Uskudar to Turkey's capital Ankara is called "Asia Minor".

Saturday, January 5, 2019

"The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East"(1)


1.    Summit at Great Bitter Lake of Suez Canal

 On February 14, 1945 when the allies' victory in World War II became reliable, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Saudi Arabia's King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saud (also known as Ibn Saud) on the US cruiser Quincy at Great Bitter lake located in the northern part of the Suez Canal..

Just before the meeting, President Roosevelt held a three-way talks with British Prime Minister Churchill and Secretary General of the Soviet Socialist Republic Federation (Soviet Union) Stalin at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula from Feb 4 till 11, 1945. They discussed about world order after the Second World War and unconditional surrender of Japan (Yalta talks)